Monday, October 17
Home and School Meeting @ 7:00 PM
Wednesday, October 19
Mass 8:00 AM (Bring a non-perishable food item)
7th Grade Vikathon
Thursday, October 20
Individual Pictures PK-8th (Mass Uniforms)
Class pictures will be taken in the Spring
Friday, October 21
2:00 PM - Rosary
Rescheduled Tryouts for Christmas Musical (Grades 5th-8th) TODAY beginning at 3:30 PM
_______________________________________Next Week_________________________________________
Thursday, October 27
PK-8th Dress Like a Pirate (All students come dressed as a pirate.)
School-wide Rosary @ 9:00AM
Pep-Rally kick-off to Book Fair @ 2:00 PM "Read Like a Robot."
6th-8th Grade Halloween Costume Dance 7:00-9:00 PM
Student-Led Conferences begin in the evening
Friday, October 28
Student-Led Conferences Continue
Students are expected to be in uniform as this is a formal conference.
Monday, October 31
Celebrate Halloween in a saintly manner! Students may come dressed as saints and will end the day in the church wit a prayer service.