The Private School Interscholastic Association (PSIA) is an extracurricular academic competition program for elementary and middle school students. Participating in PSIA provides an exciting opportunity for private school students to engage in academic competition with their peers throughout the state of Texas.
On Saturday, March 23rd, thirty SMG students from grades 3-8 competed against students from ten other schools in the Private School Interscholastic Association District Meet, which was held at St. Pius V Catholic School in Dallas. SMG students competed in up to four different academic events including Mathematics; Number Sense; Maps, Graphs, & Charts; and Ready Writing.
Congratulations to all of our inaugural PSIA contestants who have been working with their teacher/coaches over the last several weeks to prepare for the meet and who "jumped in" as SMG's first PSIA Team! Though not all SMG competitors placed in an event, all gained the valuable experience of competing in this type of arena. Kudos to the SMG students who placed in the top ten in some of the events in which they competed.