Monday, January 30
Family coffee with Admin from 7:15 AM - 8:30 AM
New PK and Kinder Visit 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Students who bring a donation for the SOS Drive may wear their favorite college or high school shirt with spirit wear bottoms
Tuesday, January 31
Crazy socks and any tennis shoes with uniform
Wednesday, February 1
MASS Uniform
Alumni reception in the library following Mass
Parents are invited to have lunch with their students
Thursday, February 2
Wear your faith day - students may wear shirts, socks and/or sweaters depicting their faith with uniform bottoms and uniform shoes
NJHS Bake Sale - all items $0.50
Friday, February 3
FREE DRESS day for students who attended Mass and Open House in uniform, all other students have regular dress down
8th Graders may wear their theme for the volleyball game
Volleyball Game begins at 10:00 AM - Parents welcome
NOON Dismissal
Monday, February 6
Registration begins!