
Stay Connected with SMG!#

Alumni are essential to us at SMG, and we love hearing about your achievements and adventures! Please take a minute to update your contact information so that we can keep in touch.

There are several ways that you can continue to support your alma mater. Learn more about how you can support SMG.

Vote in the SMG Alumni Awards#

Nominate an Alumni

Read the full Alumni Awards Rules & Criteria

The St. Maria Goretti Catholic School Alumni Awards, sponsored by the SMG Alumni Committee, is intended to recognize and celebrate members of the SMG family for their outstanding life achievements in exemplifying Academic Excellence, Spiritual Formation, and Compassionate Service to Others.

Those eligible for nomination and election for the Alumni Awards include:

  1. All SMG Catholic alumni
  2. Any former student who attended SMG for at least one year and distinguished himself or herself to be worthy of consideration;
  3. All past and present faculty, administration, personnel, and employees of SMG;
  4. All parents of SMG alumni or current students; and
  5. All SMG affiliated organizations, teams, groups, and clubs.
  6. All worthy benefactors of time, talent, and treasure to SMG.